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Llenar este formato y enviar

Llenar este formato y enviar
  1. 1.-Download and fill out the 2021 Pre-registration form (Excel) (Available at the bottom).

  2. 2. Scan and attach the following required documents to an email:


    • - Birth certificate.

    • - CURP (preferably the current format).

    • - Voter's Credential Voter's Credential (It may be delivered later if you are not old enough to process it).

    • - Proof of address.

    • - Baccalaureate certificate, or failing that, proof of studies with qualifications.

    • - Attach the duly completed Pre-registration form (Excel) in the same email.


    • - Birth certificate.

    • - CURP.

    • - Identification with valid photograph.

    • - Proof of address.

    • - Bachelor's Certificate.

    • - Bachelor's degree.

    • - State ID.

    • - Attach the duly completed Pre-registration form (Excel) in the same email.

  3. 3. Send all the elements of point 2 to the email:

  4. 4. Once you send your information, the institution will send you an email with a personalized payment form for the right to the induction course, this form is valid for 72 hours so it must be covered within that period.

  1. 5. Once the payment has been made, your space is automatically reserved for the induction course *.

NOTE: Remember to bring your payment form to the induction course.

* The dates scheduled for the induction course will be subject to change with prior notice derived from the health contingency due to COVID-19. INUMEDH will comply with the official indications issued by the Health and Education bodies for said period.

If you have any questions during the process, we can gladly advise you on the phone line (311) 212 45 40 or send us a message on our Facebook page.

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