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To train humanist, constructivist and competent professionals who contribute to the social and scientific development of Mexico in a sustainable way, socially responsible, with a public and interdisciplinary vocation and oriented by the search for excellence in their scientific training on the frontier.


Ser una licenciatura consolidada y ratificada en su acreditación a nivel nacional e internacional, formadora de médicos generales integrales que posean competencias profesionales, para ser líderes éticos, humanistas, con excelencia académica. Capaces de trabajar en equipo, gestionar recursos, investigar y aplicar los avances científicos y tecnológicos para la prevención, promoción y resolución de necesidades de salud en los individuos y la sociedad.

Admission profile


  • The applicant for the Bachelor of Comprehensive General Medicine is the student who has successfully completed high school, who has an interest and affinity to health sciences, with intellectual abilities, vocation, desire to improve and good physical and mental health.

  • Applicants to enter this degree must have an entry profile:

  • That they are able to establish empathy through interpersonal relationships.

  • That they establish and maintain an attitude of commitment, respect for the values, beliefs, dignity and personal data of those who request their services.

  • Analysis and synthesis skills.

  • That they have a taste for reading

  • Language: Basic English as a minimum.

  • Computer Science: Mastery of basic programs.

  • That they have a disposition for teamwork and creativity.

  • Organizational, self-critical and decision-making skills.

  • Interest in the problems of their community.

  • Interest in research.

  • Social, professional and scientific responsibility.

  • That they have a humanistic attitude and aptitude.

  • Research competences.

  • Ability to form teams and leadership.

Graduate Profile

  • The graduate of the Comprehensive General Medicine Degree from INUMEDH of Nayarit is a doctor, who is recognized by a series of professional, personal and social attributes. A professional who comprehensively responds to the health needs of the population.

  • That in his medical practice he is identified as being based on scientific knowledge, the development of ethical attitudes and professional competencies, which together allow him to perform the functions of: assistance, education, administration and research in medicine.

  • That he is capable of applying knowledge in the care of individuals, families and communities in basic areas of practice: community action, maternal and child, surgical, geriatric care, mental health, occupational health, among other areas. As well as developing health administration, promotion and prevention activities and developing medical services and participating in the knowledge and solution of problems related to their practice.

  • The doctor who graduated from this program shows in addition to knowledge and skills, values of justice, equity and respect, therefore, during his training stage he incorporates ethical attitudes that are manifested in the graduate, in the relationships he establishes with the beneficiaries of the services of health.

  • He has solid knowledge about the health sciences, which allows him to use the scientific method as a tool for his usual clinical practice and enables him to opt for postgraduate studies, both in research and in a medical specialty, master's or doctorate.

Labor Field

  • Social security institutions (IMSS, ISSSTE, SSA).

  • Practice of the profession (Private Offices.)

  • Health institutions, predominantly in rural areas

  • Occupational Health (Occupational Medicine).

  • Teaching in the area of biological or health sciences, especially, both in higher and higher education.

  • You will be able to select any area of growth for your professional life, either as a specialist in one of the many areas of medicine or through postgraduate studies (Masters or Specialties).

  • You can work in both private and government institutions.

  • Performance as a comprehensive general practitioner associated with other professionals building multidisciplinary groups; official, private and social health institutions (Red Cross, Green Cross).

  • You will be able to enter the area of basic scientific research, focusing primarily on medical sciences.

  • In hospitals through collaboration with work teams in private practices.



  • Cell morpho physiology

  • Muscle physiology morpho

  • Introduction to Comprehensive General Medicine

  • English I

  • Physical Education I

  • Philosophy and Health

  • Investigation methodology


  • Morphophysiology of the Nervous System

  • Morphophysiology of the Endocrine and Metabolic System

  • Health promotion

  • Medical information

  • English II

  • Physical Education II

  • Philosophy and Health II


  • Original birth certificate and two copies)

  • CURP (two copies)

  • Official ID with Photo (INE / valid student ID)

  • Proof of Address (two copies)

  • Certificate of Studies (original and two copies)

  • Baccalaureate Certificate (original and two copies)

  • 4 Child-size photographs (b / w on matte paper)

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