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A través de una innovadora plataforma digital, los usuarios acceden a un amplio catálogo de libros, revistas, obras de investigación y tesis doctorales provenientes de las editoriales comerciales y universitarias más destacadas del mundo. La empresa posee un gran compromiso con las editoriales, los autores, los estudiantes y sobre todo con la educación.

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contraseña institucional

Para ingresar utilice su usuario y 

contraseña institucional


Bibliographies and data focused on medicine

Bibliographic database on literature focused on evidence-based medicine, the consultation of which allows the location of information sources that allow to base decision-making in clinical matters and health policies.


Research Access Platform

Open access journals for many research disciplines.

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Bibliographic information.

Nursing Index digital edition, is distributed in the main healthcare and research centers, universities, schools and colleges of nursing and health professionals.

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UNAM Information Magazines

In the UNAM journal portal, you will find complete information about the advances and studies that the University publishes in it, it will be useful for what you need in health matters.


Medical Articles and Publications

MDPI is a pioneer in free access to publications and academic support to university communities since 1996

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Research Access Platform

The journal Ciencias de Enfermería / Nursing Science was born with the vocation of being a tool for dissemination and scientific communication in all nursing specialties, provided by scientific research

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Research Access Platform

Nature Publishing Group is actively expanding the open access options it offers to authors, with the new open access journal launches and open access options in many subscription journals.

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Information and Knowledge for Health

Portal where you will find material on health issues


Complete library in English

This platform is composed of a good amount of topics in English


Online Magazine

NURE Investigación is a scientific journal that is published exclusively online belonging to the open access movement, consolidation, dissemination and updating of knowledge derived from nursing research.

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IMSS Medical Journal

The Medical Journal of the Mexican Institute of Social Security is a bimonthly publication of the Directorate of Medical Benefits of the Mexican Institute of Social Security, published for the first time in 1962.


Medical Articles and Publications

The world's most extensive source of information on medicine. This resource enables access to a percentage of full-text articles, interesting integration into the medical-scientific topic, giving your research a context that it requires.

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